Our Services

Media Relations
BR|PR has an impressive record of brand-building that stands out from the clutter, catapulting our clients to the next level. We excel at top-tier placements in the press by leveraging longstanding relationships in traditional media from newspapers and magazines to broadcast radio and television, while we stay at the new media forefront by partnering with influencers, bloggers, and key opinion leaders in various industries.

Branded Storytelling
It all starts with your story. We don’t just copywrite, we reach out to target audiences and grab their attention. We craft and tell nuanced stories tailored to select media outlets and individual journalists across media platforms to differentiate your brand, build significant buzz and carve out prominence in the marketplace.

We conceptualize and launch media-worthy stunts and original events to help engage with your audience, everything from grand openings to media and influencer previews, pop-ups and soirées. In collaboration with our clients’ teams, we look for opportunities to create memorable experiences that reflect the brand’s positioning, turning audiences into advocates and customers.

Experiential PR
Experiential campaigns are live events designed to create a closer bond between consumers and the brand. Building this bond has always been central to PR, but “experiential” has moved the goal posts from simply telling a consumer about a product or feature, to letting them experience it first-hand. This is what BR|PR does best, engage audiences in our client’s brand story.

Digital Marketing
We tell persuasive brand stories across all relevant platforms to engage consumers, while ensuring cohesive, on-brand digital touchpoints and analytics. We compile and post compelling text, images and video content that communicate your brand’s persona, voice and key messaging.

Crisis Communications
When it comes to crisis PR every second counts. Cindy Rakowitz is recognized as one of the nation’s top crisis experts and is the co-author of the respected “Emergency Public Relations: Crisis Management in A 3.0 World.” She is a sought-after panel speaker on Crisis PR and has successfully represented a wide range of companies in times of crisis.

Influencer Marketing
Social media influencers can be powerful assets. BR|PR acts as a casting agent, identifying influencers with strong relevant followings and leveraging the power of these tastemakers. For smaller brands and start-ups, our emphasis is on micro influencers as they serve more niche audiences and provide access to a small subset of a targeted demographic interested in your business.

With co-founder Cindy Rakowtiz at the helm of her own widely respected non-profit Fit 4 The Cause Inc., BR|PR brings a unique perspective, specialized knowledge, and time-tested insights to an organization’s mission. We generate buzz, word-of-mouth and meaningful press coverage that make a quantifiable difference, helping our clients produce a real impact on fundraising, community involvement and public understanding.